Firmware Upgrade
Carberry microcontroller firmware, can be upgraded due improvements and bugs solving by Carberry team.
Follow this guide to upgrade your Carberry.
Enter home directory:
cd /home/pi/
Download the last version of reflash tool
curl -O -J
Untar the file:
tar -xvf reflash_1.0.tar
Build the tool:
cd /home/pi/reflash_1.0 gcc -o reflash reflash.c
Add execution rights to just built reflash tool:
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/reflash_1.0/reflash
Download the last upgrade file:
curl -O -J
Update Carberry firmware:
/home/pi/reflash/reflash Carberry_1.19.asc
You will see something like this:
pi@raspberrypi ~/reflash $ ./reflash Carberry_1.19.asc Connecting Carberry Server... Carberry Ready Opening upgrade file... Probing boot mode... Entering Carberry in boot mode...Ok Probing boot mode...Ok Erasing flash...Ok Writing... 100.0% Starting Application...Ok Done! pi@raspberrypi ~/reflash $
That's all. Carberry will now reboot with new firmware.